I've been on vacation. My fabulous and generous sister took me to Oregon to the Shakespeare festival. We had an excellent time and saw many plays and ate delicious food, but that's a story for another venue. Pertinent to the garden is the fact that I wasn't home to harvest much and haven't been online to post.
Matt harvested a melon while I was gone and dutifully weighed it. When I got back home, there was a lot to pick, both tomatoes and cantaloupes. Some things had gone a little past their best, and were fed to the appreciative rabbits. Here is what was left:

These are the huge Sunset's Red Horizon tomatoes. Impressive, but I don't think I'll grow them again. Too big for me. It seems to give them more time to split, or be eaten by pests or sag onto the ground and rot. I have seeds, if anyone else is game. They've got great flavor and seem to be good for either sauces or slicing onto sandwiches. Just not my type, is all.

Here is a mix of smaller tomatoes.

This is the melon that ripen in perfect time to bring on our trip. I was very proud to bring something I'd grown myself. The flavor was divine.

Our little rental had a garden patio with a cute little bistro set. Here is breakfast the first morning: tea and melon and (not pictured) yummy biscotti I'd made with some dried peaches from the farmer's market.
melons: 14 lb 5 oz
tomatoes: 6 lb 1 oz
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