Perfect new potato size. The whole patch yielded 3 lbs, 4 oz of new potatoes, all washed up below. Some had such delicate skins that washing them stripped the skin right off.
I combined the potatoes with some garlic and herbs from the garden (more herbs and substantially less garlic than in this picture).
And, although I don't have a picture of it yet, the cayuga's unkillable predecessor has actually put up leaves from its base. This was the plant I originally thought was dead, pulled up and tossed into the weeds where it languished for a couple of weeks, then realized that it might still be alive, and replanted in the backyard. It hung on there for a while, still green when I nicked the bark to check, but did not produce any leaf buds. Finally, I found the little branches were dried out and dead. Thankfully, before I could yank the poor thing out of the ground again, I noticed it was growing leaves at the very base of the trunk.
I love unkillable plants. They do well in my yard. I shall add cayuga grape to the list, which already includes Red Russian kale and potatoes.
Totals to date:3 lbs 4 oz new potatoes
Oh yummy. I love new potatoes. I usually won't eat them though as I wait for the potatoes to get bigger. I'm greedy that way.