The Tai Sai went into my bento, stir fried with some pickled peppers from last summer's garden. On top is soba noodles and chicken. The sauce is for the noodles.

The exciting news of the day... We went to Westurf on a whim, since we'd been cooped up in the house all weekend. They were having a sale on their bare root fruit trees, so we came home with 11 different varieties of fruit: 2 grape vines and 2 grafted trees. The grapes are Thompson seedless and Autumn Royal seedless. The apple tree has Jonagold, Mutsu, Gala, and Fuji. The stone fruit tree has Santa Rosa plum, Fantasia nectarine, Blenheim apricot, and a yellow and white peach, whose names I'm too lazy to look up.
Fruit salad in the side yard!